Sunday, October 30, 2011

My dog is cooler than yours

It's a chilly Sunday morning here and it looked like Lila was in need of some warmth.  So I broke out the Hello Kitty blanket.  It used to be mine but once it became a little tattered, Lila inherited it. 

I should mention that no dog has ever made me laugh so much out loud like she does.  If you have heard someone say dogs are just people with fur coats it's totally true.  Lila has the neatest quirks and while sometimes she drives me nuts, I would be so lonely without her! 

Back to the, I tell her to sit on her bed which she does, and I position the blanket on her.  She will pretty much stay where and when I tell her to and allow me to take a picture.  If I send Christmas cards this year, those on my list will probably open the envelope to see Lila donning some sort of holiday accessory while sitting pretty for my Nikon.

So here she is with a casually draped fleece blanket.  Since I took the photo, she has dragged the blanket to the middle of the living room floor and brought along a few Ugg boots for snuggling purposes. why my dog is cooler than yours.

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