Wednesday, January 2, 2013

find happiness where you can

yesterday morning i received a phone call from my dad.  i thought he was calling to say happy new year.  instead, he was delivering some unexpected and grim news. 

my uncle vince suddenly passed away on new year's eve. 

i don't even like typing it. 
i will not elaborate on it at the moment, it is too new and just so terrible. all i can think about is my aunt sue and my cousins who are left behind trying to process this.   

i took some time today and looked at some photos from a handful of years ago, looking for any photos with uncle vince in them.  i found some very treasurable images.  my first thought is, oh this is a great one...i'm so glad i took this.  my next thought is, this is wrong and this is so unfair. 
he should still be here.  there are more memories to be had and more photos to capture them. 

i find it ironic how photographs can be so difficult to look at in a time of grief, yet after time passes along, you might look at those same photos and feel happy.  i know that we all have photographs in our memories.  but for me personally, photos are just so important to me.  i love being able to look back and feel the emotions that the image puts forth. 

tonight while looking at photos from christmas of 2011, i decided that i should share a photo that made me smile through the tears.  one of my dad and my cousin nic.  it's very difficult to look at some of the other images from that christmas.  but while difficult, i can't help but feel thankful to have taken the photos.  so that we can look back and remember happy memories together.
today i am finding happiness in this photo:

.....every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day. 


  1. perfect post. you couldn't have written more appropriate words. xxoo

  2. I have an awesome idea for the future. Please remind me to tell you. Just posting it here while my mind is thinking of it. Also, I want to thank you for your passion to capture life's precious moments. I am so sorry I did not do that for you and Sara. Too few pictures, and hardly the wonderful technology we have available to us today. You also have a natural way of wording things too. Wow....a writer AND photographer. You need to be published. MOM xoxo
