Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wilco loves you baby

With the Wilco show and album release coming up, I thought I'd use a Wilco related photo for today.  When my friends Mandee and Dale and I were on the road to Florida, I spotted a sign for the Wilco Travel Plaza and had to stop.  Since Wilco is one of my all time favorite bands, I knew I at least wanted to take a photo of this place. 

It was early morning, probably 5 or 5:30am and we stopped to use the restroom, get coffee, etc.  I go into the restroom and there are signs with the Wilco logo everywhere.  I leave, go into the store part and Wilco is still EVERYWHERE.  Immediately I think, ok...this is basically a rest stop for truckers but I'm obsessed with it all because the Wilco name is everywhere the eye can see.  Mandee and I get our coffee and stretch our legs.  I notice a styrofoam cooler with Wilco on it but our car is packed full and is the styrofoam cooler really going to make it through the weekend?  I take a few photos and we are back on the road.  The more I think about it over the weekend, I kick myself for not getting the cooler so we agree to stop there on the way back.  We did exactly that, but instead of the cooler I snagged myself a couple Wilco lighters and a travel type cup.  I figured those were better options than the styrofoam.  I even asked the cashier if they had keychain bottle openers or anything else with Wilco on it.  She said, "no but our job applications have Wilco on them.  Would you like one of those?" 
I actually considered it for a brief moment but declined.  So as I purchased the lighters and travel cup, a different cashier asks, "would you like a receipt or a bag?" to which I say, "YES and YES".

Yeah.  What can I say....I love Wilco and Jeff Tweedy's voice melts me.  The first time I ever saw them was with my friend Ben at the 9:30 club in DC.  I only knew some of their stuff from A Ghost Is Born going in, but I left wanting the entire catalog.  I was immediately hooked and never looked back.  If you aren't familiar with them, get familiar!

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