Last September I ventured to OC, MD with my good friend Susie for sort of a last minute weekend getaway. We had pretty decent weather for the end of September and even sat up on the beach for the better part of one of the days. It was pretty windy that day but it made for some interesting textures and patterns in the sand.
Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love the beach. I don't know if it's because I spent the first part of my life living there, the countless summer family vacations, times spent with my grandparents (who lived there), my dad (who still lives there), or being able to see my oldest friend in the world Becky, who also still resides there....and by oldest friend in the world I mean my very first friend ever! I will be 33 years old this summer and Becky and I have been friends since I was probably 4 years old.
Come to think of it, all of the reasons I just listed are probably why it's such a special place for me. I think anytime there's a place where you have so much history in your life, you have sort of a sense of peace when you go there.
On this particular September weekend, I made sure to set my alarm clock to get up in time to see the sunrise. We stayed at my dad's house while we were there and I happened to find this really old wooden figurine with a picture of myself on it from when I was a little kid. So Susie and I thought it would be amusing to bring the figurine along and take pictures of it in different spots, so I can't exclude those shots from the series. Strange, yes. But funny? We thought so...
Shots around Dad's house |
me in tiny wooden figurine form..with coffee |
windblown |
Cocktails |
Fisher's - can't leave town without it |
Blurry self portraits in a hubcap |